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Seminar on Imprisonment

Ad for Participants

Surveying the Participants

Constructing the Prison

"Stanford County Prison"

Arresting Prisoner #8612

Handcuffing Prisoner #8612

Transporting a Prisoner

Palo Alto Police Station

Prisoner in Station

Booking a Prisoner

Mugshot of Prisoner #8612

Police Blindfolding Prisoner

Blindfolded Prisoner

Guards with Blindfolded Prisoner

Guard Escorting Prisoner

Frisking a Prisoner

Beginning of Strip-Search

Prisoner Strip-Searched

Naked Prisoner Being Deloused

Masked and Naked Prisoner

Symbolic Shackles

Prisoner #4325

Prisoner Against Wall

Prison Yard in Jordan Hall

Filming the Experiment

Prisoner Lineup

Guard with Sunglasses

Prisoners Facing the Wall

Doing Pushups

Forced Pushups in Auschwitz

Prisoners in Bed

Sleeping Prisoners

Change of the Guard Shift

Guards Walking in the Yard

Extinguishing a Prisoner Revolt

Removing a Prisoner’s Mattress

Naked Prisoner

The Hole: Solitary Confinement

Prisoners Obeying Orders

Prisoner Resting in Cell

Walking Blindfolded Prisoner

Meeting with the Superintendent

#8612 Leaves the Experiment

Visiting Day at the Prison

Prisoners Dining

Families Waiting

Awaiting Parole Board Hearing

Carlo Prescott at Parole Hearing

Parole Board Hearing: Day 2

Dr. Z, Craig Haney, David Jaffee

Rebellious Prisoners

Relocating Prisoners

Dr. Z Waiting for Break-In

Cleaning a Toilet as Punishment

Endless Pushups

Chaplain Talks with Prisoner

Chaplain on Monitor

Prisoner #819 Leaves the Study

A Replacement Prisoner: #416

#416 on Hunger Strike

Good Guard Distancing Himself

John Wayne’s Sidekick Smiling

Post-Experimental Debriefing

News of Real Prison Rebellions